Grow it From Home: Hemp CBD Leaves for Juicing
Unboxed CBD Hemp Plants from Infinite Tree, Photography by Monica Lo
It’s amazing how many states allow you to grow hemp, at home. It’s legal, with no paperwork or license required. For some background, hemp is defined in The Farm Bill legislation as cannabis plants containing less than 0.3% THC (heads up, some states allow more plants at home than others.) Now, with Infinite Tree Farm, you can experience fresh, unadulterated leaves and flowers to use in your cooking, morning smoothies, and various other projects.
Join gardeners, mixologists, and chefs across America growing hemp! It’s as easy to grow as a tomato, on a patio or in a backyard. Infinite Tree’s beautiful farm is nestled in the Applegate Valley in Southern Oregon and is USDA Organic Certified. These hemp seedlings are carefully packed and shipped direct from the farm to your doorstep.
“We follow the strict guidelines set by the USDA for everything that touches your plants. This includes everything from the cleaning products we use to keep our farm sparkling to the soil that nourishes your seedlings.”
Emily Gogol, PhD | CEO Infinite Tree
You can also get 10% off
Infinite Tree hemp seedlings
with code ‘SousweedGrows’
These CBD hemp seedlings are currently available in Alaska, California, Colorado, District Of Columbia, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon. CBD that is derived from hemp (containing less than 0.3% THC) grown in accordance with the 2018 Farm Bill is currently legal in all 50 states. I’ve featured some of my favorite hemp CBD products on my shop page.