Medicated Chinese Chili Oil

This recipe is an adaptation of dad's Chinese chili oil recipe. We eat this stuff on pretty much everything and it's killer with some medicated dumplings. We like to make it in large batches to keep in the fridge for months. It's not traditional to add peanuts but we're extra like that.
Medicated Chinese Chili Oil with Peanuts
Makes 2.5 cups
• 2 cups peanut oil
• 1/4 cup raw peanuts, skin removed
• 1/4 cup dried Chinese or Korean red chili flakes
• 1/4 tsp kosher salt
• 1 Tbsp Sichuan peppercorns
• 2 Tbsp medicated sesame oil
1. Heat peanut oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add raw peanuts and fry until the peanuts begin to sizzle and turn light golden brown.
2. Scoop the peanuts out using a mesh strainer and put them into a heat-resistant bowl. Add red pepper flakes and salt into the same bowl and set aside.
2. Add Sichuan peppercorns into the hot peanut oil and wait for the bubbles. Then turn the heat down low to infuse for about 5 minutes.
3. Remove the hot Sichuan oil from the burner and using a mesh strainer, strain the oil into the bowl of red pepper flakes, peanuts, and salt. The hot oil will rapidly heat through and infuse the mixture. Discard the peppercorns. Let cool.
4. Once cool, stir in the medicated sesame oil. Store in the fridge.
*Note: The amount of cannabis chili oil specified in this recipe is a very loose suggestion; the actual amount you use should be modified based on the strength of your chili oil and the potency you desire. Dosing homemade edibles can be tricky, so the best way to test for potency is to start with one portion of a serving, in this case, one teaspoon, and wait one to two hours, then make an informed decision on whether to consume more. Always dose carefully and listen to your body, and never drive under the influence of cannabis.