CBD Labneh: A Pot d'Huile Collab

Every couple weeks I like to do a massive fridge clean out. I really hate wasting food so I try to upcycle where I can. The giant tub of Greek yogurt wasn't going to make it so I decided to turn it into labneh cheese to eat with the beta bottle of Pot d'Huile's new CBD olive oil that I was recently gifted. I've never made labneh and was surprised by easy and delicious it was. If you can't get your hands on some Pot d'Huile, feel free to use our Sous Weed Olive Oil recipe in its place.
Homemade Labneh with Canna-Olive Oil
Serves 6-10
Labneh Ingredients:
• 32 oz Greek Yogurt
• Juice of half a lemon
• 1 Tbsp salt
• Sous Weed Olive Oil or Pot d'Huile
• Pinch of sumac
• Lemon wedges
• Toasted nuts or seeds, optional
• Finishing salt, like Maldon
1. Line a strainer with a few layers of cheesecloth and set it over a bowl.
2. In another bowl, mix yogurt, lemon juice, and salt until uniform. Pour the mixture into the cheese cloth and tie it up.
3. Leave the ball of yogurt out at room temperature or in the refrigerator for 24 hours. There will be a generous amount of liquid (whey) in the bowl and the yogurt turn into a thick, cream cheese.
4. After 24 hours, dump the whey and refrigerate.
5. Serve the labneh cheese in a bowl and top with spices like sumac or za'atar, lemon wedges, finishing salt, herbs, nuts & seeds, and a healthy drizzle of medicated olive oil. Eat as a dip with pita bread or cut veggies.